Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Call Her Happy

She is 30 years old.
She has a neurological disorder and is unsighted. 
She lies in a bed most of the day.  She may get up for an hour to take her meals. 
She has hazel eyes.  Her light brown hair is curly and fine and is nearly rubbed off in the back where she moves her head across the pillow.  

Her family has abandoned her. 

She can read braille but with her disorder can no longer hold the books to follow the lines.  She listens to books on tape and listens to television and radio. 

She is a tease and if she has a chance will tickle you. 

She ask me today if she could look at me.  I agreed and she ran her fingers over my face like you may have seen on television.  Then over my head and to the back of my neck.  She was smiling the entire her time.  She commented about my curly hair and ask what color my eyes are.  I told her that they were hazel with a lot of green like hers.  She laughed and said "That is good."  

She ask me if I was happy.  I laughed and told her what I often tell people, "Well I am not hanging out of a sun roof riding down the center of town yelling at the top of my lungs, "God bless America", but yah I am happy." 

She giggled and then she said, "Me too.  But I am happy because I know God loves me.  God told me that my dad is sorry for doing all those bad thngs to me.  God told me my mom is just messed up and I needed to forgive her.  God said to love them and my brother and my sister even if they don't come see me.  God told me that if I am not happy here I won't be happy in heaven.  God told me he would send nice people to take care of me if I promised to be happy.  So I did and then I came here and they are all really nice.  The maintance man even gives me a hug everyday at breakfast.  And the girl from hospice who gives me my bath is really nice.  Now you are here and gave me a massage with nice girly smelling lotion.  I like being happy."  I laughed and told her she had chosen wisely. 

She wanted to know if I had children.  I told her I have lots of children in my life but never gave birth to any of them.  I told her all the children are mine to love.  She smiled and said, "Can I be one of your children?" 

I reached under her shoulder and pulled her very close and said, "You already are."  She hugged me and laughed as she tickled my side and I tickled her back.  She said, "Being happy is a good thing." 

Thanksgiving may never be the same.

this post was on nomi's face book, and i thought it was very touching. i moved it over here