Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Call Her Happy

She is 30 years old.
She has a neurological disorder and is unsighted. 
She lies in a bed most of the day.  She may get up for an hour to take her meals. 
She has hazel eyes.  Her light brown hair is curly and fine and is nearly rubbed off in the back where she moves her head across the pillow.  

Her family has abandoned her. 

She can read braille but with her disorder can no longer hold the books to follow the lines.  She listens to books on tape and listens to television and radio. 

She is a tease and if she has a chance will tickle you. 

She ask me today if she could look at me.  I agreed and she ran her fingers over my face like you may have seen on television.  Then over my head and to the back of my neck.  She was smiling the entire her time.  She commented about my curly hair and ask what color my eyes are.  I told her that they were hazel with a lot of green like hers.  She laughed and said "That is good."  

She ask me if I was happy.  I laughed and told her what I often tell people, "Well I am not hanging out of a sun roof riding down the center of town yelling at the top of my lungs, "God bless America", but yah I am happy." 

She giggled and then she said, "Me too.  But I am happy because I know God loves me.  God told me that my dad is sorry for doing all those bad thngs to me.  God told me my mom is just messed up and I needed to forgive her.  God said to love them and my brother and my sister even if they don't come see me.  God told me that if I am not happy here I won't be happy in heaven.  God told me he would send nice people to take care of me if I promised to be happy.  So I did and then I came here and they are all really nice.  The maintance man even gives me a hug everyday at breakfast.  And the girl from hospice who gives me my bath is really nice.  Now you are here and gave me a massage with nice girly smelling lotion.  I like being happy."  I laughed and told her she had chosen wisely. 

She wanted to know if I had children.  I told her I have lots of children in my life but never gave birth to any of them.  I told her all the children are mine to love.  She smiled and said, "Can I be one of your children?" 

I reached under her shoulder and pulled her very close and said, "You already are."  She hugged me and laughed as she tickled my side and I tickled her back.  She said, "Being happy is a good thing." 

Thanksgiving may never be the same.

this post was on nomi's face book, and i thought it was very touching. i moved it over here

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Soul mate?

how do you know when you find your soul mate?

28 years have gone by, and the re-meeting of your soul mate just happened! Never again will time or space separate you. All roads will lead to you.

Other people are now involved. Friends will be what we are now. Just knowing that you are happy, will make me happy. I will never let you go, I will always keep in touch with you. If things change for you and for me, I want you to know I will be here for you. I will be your (soul mate) friend forever.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pear tomatoes

This week has had its ups and down in the weather department. It has gotten down under freezing and up to the 70's in the day. I had to get out the old blanket and sheets to cover the tomato plants and the swizz chard. The tomato plants have a lot of green tomatoes nice big ones to very small ones and a lot of flowers still coming on.
A friend from work gave me 2 tomato plants because she did not have room for them, OK. I like tomatoes, but the ones I can eat forever are the pear tomatoes! I got one plant and watered it and waited for the summer to do its thing so I could have tomatoes later.
The spring was cold this year, and so the tomatoes did not get the good start they needed. Now I have a lot of green tomatoes. So that the reason for the blankets and sheets over the garden.
I was talking to one of the part-time bus drivers at work and He had not ever seen or heard of "pear-tomatoes", I was able to pick some and take them to him.
What a good feeling to share and to have share something new with someone. If you have never tried pear-tomatoes, pick up a plant this next year and see for yourself what they are like.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


When I first met Dan he was a handsome six foot tall, two hundred and fifteen pound arrogant egoistical pompus dope smoking 59 year old jerk.  He had been a teacher and a coach and had taught in some of the native american schools and had the attitude that he was the only white man who had ever done anything that propeled kids away from drugs and alcohol and into higher education.

He was diagnosised with esphogeal cancer that was located at the bottom of the esophogus at the sphincter  going into the stomach.  Within six weeks he dropped fifty pounds.  Although food tasted good to him, it was not being digested.  His weight continued to plumage to one hundred forty-three.  Soon he was equipped with a clostomy bag.  He was skin over bone. He still very much enjoyed massages. With the drastic changes in his physical appearance came an attitude change as well.  He became kinder, softer, and appreciative of those around him.  One late afternoon he even offered for me to sit in the massage chair and he would rub my shoulders.  I tried deperately to say no but his wife gave me the look. It was a begging sort of look.  I agreed.  He had hands of gold.  He gently used the finger tips and moved clockwise on the top of the trapezius, then across to the shoulders and back to the neck.  When he finished I ask him what I owed him and he smiled.  His wife later told me that he talked about that for hours.  He laughed and said how different life would be if he could be well. 
He went on and on about much he learned from the hospice caregivers about loving people and doing good just because you can. 

Today Dan weighed in at one hundred and twenty-six pounds.   His back is nothing but bony promineces at best.  He smiled and joked and ask me if I needed an assistant because he thinks he is up for the job.  Today I noticed his eyes. So vivid blue. So clear.  When I commented on his eyes, his response was, " I guess when I cleared up my soul the windows clearedup too." 

I am not God and I do not know how much longer Dan has on this earth with us.  What I do know is that if by a miracle he were made well, I would want to be his friend.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Mrs. G. has a very rare debilitating disease called Cortical Basl Degeneration (CBD). It slowly takes away the ability to do anything for one's self.  She currently uses an ABC board to communicate with people.  She has lost complete use of her right arm and hand and now spells with the left.  There is little joy in her life other than her family and her sense of humor.  Her daughter K--- has a son and her son G--- has three daughters and they are her joy.  She has a wonderful extended family who cater to every desire.

One sunny afternoon as I am doing therapy with her the UPS truck pulls up to the neighbors house.  She giggles.  She begins to spell, I t h i n k t h e n e i g h b o r i s h a v i n g a n a f f a i r w i t h the u p s g u y h e c o m e s e v e r y d a y.  I look out and see a very attractive midaged woman taking a package from the UPS guy and laughing. I ask, "Do you  know the neighbor?"  She spells, y e s s h e i s k - - - ' s m o t h e r - i n - l a w.  And Mrs. G. laughs until tears come out her eyes and roll down her cheeks. Now whne ever the UPS truck pulls up and I am there, I laugh and say. "Again" that is all it takes and she giggles and the tears roll.

Friday, August 27, 2010

3 days equels 1 "week" of school

The first worker in at 6a, all others in 15 minuets after the other and last worker in at 7a. Breakfast in totes, on carts and loaded in the "lunch bus" off to deliver breakfast to the elementary school K-5th grades. Next off to middle school, unload the carts and leave 2 cafeteria worker there to serve/hand out breakfast and count the students that take the food. Now off to high school, unloading the breakfast carts, over the sidewalk into the commons area. Two cafeteria staff set up the breakfast serving area and count the students that take the food. Now the phone starts ringing, "I have 21 students you only gave me 18", OK, send a worker over with more food. Next call the teacher wants only white milk for breakfast, make note on work sheet. Only 60 out of 280 students take food at high school, pack uneaten food back on carts and load into the "lunch bus" back to middle school to pick up theses ladies, and food, yea they had 98 students out of 290 take food. Back to the cafeteria to unload all this uneaten food and the time? its 8:20a.! TIME FOR COFFEE, and maybe a breakfast cookie. 10 minutes goes by fast. the days not over, its time to get making lunch.
The first week of school is a"breaking in" week, I try to go easy on the cafeteria staff. I schedule only one hot food item at lunch. The rest of the year there will be 2 hot food chooses and ohter cold items on the side too.
There are 6 salad bars to be made, 300 students at the primary building, 400 students at the main dining room and 290 at middle school, just a little more than most people make for thanksgiving dinner, we do this 5 days a week.
Not only do the staff cook and pan up food for the lunch of the day they have to prep the food for the next day, look ahead and pull out meats for field trips and get meats thawing for two days from now tacos... a cooks work is never done.
At 10a load the lunch bus with the primary food and two "lunch ladies" and away we go... Back at the main cafeteria the other ladies are still getting food ready for middle school and the main dining room. Oh yea, of course you have to get your "lunch break" in too. Before you know it is 11a and the first group of students are coming thur the door. Middle school staff load their carts and then load into the bus and off they go, we also deliver lunch to a alternate school on the edge of town.
Students come in by grade, each grade is around 80-100 students, high school we serve 180, middle school we will serve 250-280 every day.
Of course we have to get all these students counted, the ones that take lunch any way. counting has taken on a new meaning this year. We have to count the students as they leave the salad bar or after leaving the hot table. This takes time, and 2 people at each school. six extra people that I don't have, we have to adjust and work out the schedule. after three days of adjusting the schedule, I think we have things worked out, with help form the teachers, other staff and the principals all giving their idea on how this should be done. By Friday I think we have it worked out. With a lot of understanding, compromise, and adjusting, and yes giving in and letting go of what I wanted, or thought was the best way of doing this job. In the end, it all comes down to feed the students a healthy meal, in a clean area.
Friday coundn't have come any faster this week! oh the first week is only 3 days. School started on Wednesday thru Friday. Thank goodness for the weekend and next week we will do this all again on Monday thru Friday.

shower tales

why is it that the dads get all the privacy? i hardly even get to shower alone. when i start the shower, it is like starting up the automatic kid wash. i wash all three while trying to spill some suds on myself too. i dream about long showers by myself.

this is how i feel in my shower:

a girl can dream, right?

thanks for reading...

Monday, August 23, 2010

You are Breaking My Heart

Abigail is nearly three.  When she is told no or that she is not allowed to do something, especially if it is something she knows she can do, she tears up and with lips pulled up in a pout she trembles.  Then through clenched teeth she spews, "You are breaking my heart."  After hearing this several times over the last few days it occurred to me that we may not be the best keepers of the love given to us.  When we stiffle those around us, when with a little  encouragement they can do amazing things we are breaking not only their hearts but their spirit. If we can take a moment to see the importance of the needs of others we can stop the breaking of hearts and perhaps mend a few. 

it is about time

Well here it is, what we have all been waiting for... the blog of mema, nomi, and me. yep we are all gals, and we are all probably crazy. but here we are making the world a better place one meal, one play, one massage at a time.

these ladies are the ones who have helped to shape me into the person i am today, i can think of no better way help the world than to get us all together and blog it all out. the good and the bad and the ugly it will all be here for us and for you.