Friday, October 15, 2010

Pear tomatoes

This week has had its ups and down in the weather department. It has gotten down under freezing and up to the 70's in the day. I had to get out the old blanket and sheets to cover the tomato plants and the swizz chard. The tomato plants have a lot of green tomatoes nice big ones to very small ones and a lot of flowers still coming on.
A friend from work gave me 2 tomato plants because she did not have room for them, OK. I like tomatoes, but the ones I can eat forever are the pear tomatoes! I got one plant and watered it and waited for the summer to do its thing so I could have tomatoes later.
The spring was cold this year, and so the tomatoes did not get the good start they needed. Now I have a lot of green tomatoes. So that the reason for the blankets and sheets over the garden.
I was talking to one of the part-time bus drivers at work and He had not ever seen or heard of "pear-tomatoes", I was able to pick some and take them to him.
What a good feeling to share and to have share something new with someone. If you have never tried pear-tomatoes, pick up a plant this next year and see for yourself what they are like.

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